New business has arrived!

So exciting! Our new business cards has arrived! In fact, this is our sixth revision! If I can find all my previous cards, I’ll definitely post it in my future posting, perhaps I’ll frame it and it’ll be a pretty cool visual of my company timeline.

On another post I’ll introduce y’all to my amazing graphics designer and the making of the card; from all the draft work to the finished product.

Nowadays people will have all their contacts stored in their phone, and the importance of business cards is somewhat forgotten – it makes a statement in the business world. It reflects who the person is, and it gives people an imagination of what the person is capable of doing. It’s huge when when it comes to branding!

So for our sixth edition, I connected with my graphics designer extravagant – Selina. And I told her that the business card I see will have a timeless design, that’s clean, screams class, and perhaps somewhat sexy. And after countless back and forth emails, phone calls, and nitpicked every serif on the design, here’s the final product!

The final product was realized by the folks at! The card came out to be exactly to what we are looking for!

Paper stock: Ultra Thick 28PT Uncoated

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